The Childress City Council will meet in regular session Monday, March 13 at 6 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 315 Commerce. Agenda items include discussing and possibly taking action regarding an amendment to the Interlocal contract for administrative services for the City of Childress’s 2022 Texas Community Development Block Grant – downtown revitalization project. They will also act on a resolution designating the Mayor and City Manager to act as the designated authorized officials in order to execute contractual and environmental documents between the Texas Department of Agriculture and the City for the 2022 Texas Community Development Block Grant Program – downtown revitalization project, and for the Mayor, City Manager, and City Secretary to act as authorized signatories to certify the payment request form required for requesting funds approved in the 2022 Texas Community Block Grant.
Council will then discuss and possibly act to consider adoption of a resolution regarding civil rights and the adoption of the related policies; adopting a proclamation designating April 2023 as Fair Housing Month in the City of Childress; adopting a resolution directing the publication of notice of intention to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation to provide funds for sewer system improvement projects and resolving other matters relating to the subject.
Council will then discuss a C.I.S.D. request regarding current least agreements which include the Boys Baseball Field, Girls Softball Field, and Fair Park Memorial Stadium. Also being discussed will be the authorization of placement of “No Unauthorized Parking” signs at Mashburn Event Center.
Also on the agenda is benefits provided to the Childress Volunteer Fire Department, a resolution amending public hearing date and time, and a review of the Strategic Facilities Plan.
The complete agenda is posted below: