Oklahoma Fishing Report


 Arcadia: March 21. Elevation normal, water 47 and stainedCrappie fair on jigs, minnows and PowerBait around brush structure, docks and main lake. Blue and channel catfish slow on cut bait, punch bait, stinkbait and worms along channels, main lake and points.

 Draper: March 22. Elevation below normal, water muddy. Crappie fair on jigs around brush structure, docks and standing timber. Channel and blue catfish slow on cut bait and shad along flats, inlet and main lake.

 Hefner: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 49 and murky. Crappie and white bass slow on hair jigs, minnows and PowerBait around docks and weed beds. Largemouth bass slow on jigs, plastic baits and sassy shad around brush structure, inlet and shorelines. Channel catfish fair on cut bait, minnows and sunfish in the main lake and around points.

 Overholser: March 21. Elevation below normal, water 40s and stained. Striped bass hybrids and white bass good on crankbaits, flukes, jigs and sassy shad along the dam and shorelines. Channel catfish slow on chicken liver and worms around points.

 Thunderbird: March 21. Elevation rising, water 48 and stained. Channel catfish slow on cut bait in the main lake and around points. Crappie fair on minnows around brush structure, docks and standing timber.

 Wes Watkins: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 48-51 and clear. Largemouth bass slow on spinnerbaits around brush structure. Crappie slow on jigs at 15 ft. along the dam.


 Bell Cow: March 22. Elevation below normal, water 46 and murky. Largemouth bass good on plastic baits around brush structure and standing timber. Crappie slow on jigs around docks. Channel catfish slow on cut bait around brush structure.

 Birch: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 50s and murky. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits and spinnerbaits around points. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure and coves. Fish are transitioning to spawning areas as water heats up.

 Carl Blackwell: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 48 and murky. Crappie slow on hair jigs, jigs, minnows, plastic baits and tube jigs around brush structure, docks, riprap and rocks. Largemouth bass slow on bill baits and crankbaits in the main lake. Channel and blue catfish slow on cut bait and worms in the main lake and around points. Small crappie are being caught at the fishing dock. Fishing seems slow due to the changing temperatures and weather. The water clarity depends on how much the wind has been blowing; some days it is clearer than others.

 Chandler: March 22. Elevation below normal, water 45 and murky. Largemouth bass good on jigs and plastic baits around brush structure and rocks. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along the dam and docks. Copan: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 50s and clearing. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, in-line spinnerbaits and plastic baits around points, shorelines and standing timber. Crappie slow on hair jigs and tube jigs around docks and shorelines. White bass fair on hair jigs, in-lines spinnerbaits and small lures along creek channels.

 Eucha: March 19. Elevation normal, water 50s and clear. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, coves, docks, points and shorelines. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver, hot dogs and shrimp below the dam, along channels, creek channels and shorelines. Crappie good on hair jigs, jigs and minnows below the dam, around brush structure, docks and shorelines.

 Ft. Gibson: March 21. Elevation normal, water upper 40s. White bass fair on jigs, minnows and shad along creek channels and river channel. Crappie good on jigs at 14-20 ft. around brush structure. Paddlefish fair snagging below the dam and river channel.

 Grand: March 19. Elevation normal, water 50s and stained. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, plastic baits and topwater lures around brush structure, docks and shorelines. Blue catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait and shad below the dam, along channels, docks and shorelines. Crappie good on hair jigs and jigs below the dam, around brush structure and docks.

 Greenleaf: March 21. Elevation normal, water 40 with 1 ft. of visibility. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, bill baits, crankbaits, flukes, jerk baits, minnows, plastic baits and worms around brush structure, coves, shallows and shorelines. Blue and channel catfish slow on cut bait, minnows, shad, shrimp and worms in coves, around points and shorelines. Crappie slow on grubs, hair jigs, jigs, minnows, small lures and worms around brush structure, docks and shorelines.

 Hudson: March 22. Elevation normal, water 48 and murky. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits and plastic baits around brush structure and riprap. White bass good on jigs and sassy shad along creek channels. Blue catfish fair on cut bait and shad along the river channel.

 Hulah: March 20. Elevation normal, water 50s and clearing. White bass fair on hair jigs, in-line spinnerbaits, lipless baits and small lures along creek channels. Blue, channel and flathead catfish slow on cut bait, live shad, shad, stinkbait, sunfish and worms below the dam, along riprap and shorelines. Crappie slow on hair jigs, minnows, small lures and tube jigs around brush structure, docks and shorelines.

 Kaw: March 22. Elevation normal and rising, water 50 and stained. White bass and striped bass hybrids good on crankbaits, jerk baits, jigs, minnows, sassy shad, small lures, spinnerbaits and tube jigs along creek channels, river channel and river mouth. Blue and channel catfish excellent on cut bait, goldfish, live bait, shad, sunfish and worms along flats, river channel and river mouth. Paddlefish good snagging below the dam, main lake and river channel.

 Keystone: March 22. Elevation above normal, water 45 and murky. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and hot dogs along channels and river channel. Crappie slow on jigs and live bait around brush structure and docks.

Lower Illinois: March 19. Elevation normal, water 47 and clear. Rainbow trout fair on in-line spinnerbaits, midges, nymphs, PowerBait and worms below the dam and Watts area. Best times are during periods of low or no flow.

 Oologah: March 20. Elevation normal, water 50s. Blue catfish good on cut bait and shad below the dam. Crappie fair on jigs around brush structure and creek channels. Paddlefish good snagging below the dam and river channel.

 Perry CCC: March 20. Elevation normal, water 40s and muddy. Rainbow trout good on in-line spinnerbaits, PowerBait, spoons and worms in coves, along the dam and flats.

 Skiatook: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 50s and clear. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits and flukes around points. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows at 5-15 ft. around brush structure.

 Sooner: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 46 and murky. Blue catfish slow on cut bait in the main lake and along riprap. Striped bass hybrids slow on jigs and live bait in the discharge and main lake. Largemouth bass slow on jerk baits and plastic baits around brush structure, rocks and weed beds.

 Spavinaw: March 20. Elevation normal, water 40s and stained. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure, docks and dam. Largemouth and smallmouth bass fair on Alabama rigs and jerk baits in the main lake and around points. Channel catfish slow on cut bait and shad in the main lake.

 Tenkiller: March 19. Elevation normal, water 48 and clear. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, points and shorelines. Crappie good on hair jigs, minnows and tube jigs around brush structure and docks. White bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, small lures and tube jigs along flats, main lake, points and river channel. White bass are being found in the river channel and in the main lake with most success being from Cherokee Landing area to Etta Bend.

 Webbers Falls: March 21. Elevation rising, water 40s and stained. Blue and flathead catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, shad, shrimp and worms below the dam, along the river channel, river mouth and shorelines. Crappie fair on grubs, hair jigs, jigs, minnows and small lures around brush structure, coves, creek channels and shorelines. Striped and white bass slow on bill baits, crankbaits, flukes, jerk baits, lipless  baits, sassy shad, shad and small lures below the dam, along river channel, river mouth and shorelines.


 Canton: March 20. Elevation normal, water 40s. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Walleye fair on jigs and worms along the dam and rocks.

Foss: March 21. Elevation 3 1/2 ft. below normal, water 50 and clear. Striped bass hybrids fair on slabs in the main lake. Catfish good on trotlines baited with live bait. Crappie fair on worms. Walleye fair on worms.

 Ft. Supply: March 21. Elevation above normal, water 44 and murky. Walleye, white bass and crappie slow on jigs, plastic baits and small lures along the dam, main lake, rocks and shorelines.


 Arbuckle: March 21. Elevation 2 ft. below normal, water 56 and clear. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, jerk baits, spinnerbaits and shaky head worms in the main lake. Crappie slow off docks and lake. Smallmouth bass good on topwater lures and shallow crankbaits.

 Blue River: March 21. Elevation below normal, water 44 and clear. Rainbow trout excellent on in-line spinnerbaits, midges, nymphs, PowerBait and spoons along channels and rocks. There are still lots of rainbow trout in the river even though we have completed our last trout stocking of the 2021/2022 trout season. Fishermen have reported doing really well on PowerBait and worms fished on bottom or suspended under a small float. Lure fishermen have done really well with small 1/8 oz. spoons with a slow and steady retrieve. Fly fishermen have been catching lots of fish on egg patterns as well as small nymphs. Try fishing below current

brakes such as rocks or timber on the edges of flowing water or on current streams. Trout fishing at Blue River will continue to be excellent through April.

 Broken Bow: March 19. Elevation normal, water 51. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on Alabama rigs, bill baits, crankbaits and spoons around brush structure, creek channels, points and standing timber. White bass fair on grubs and in-line spinnerbaits along channels, creek channels, river channel and river mouth. Walleye fair on crankbaits, grubs and rogues along channels and river channel.

Eufaula: March 18. Elevation below normal, water 50 and murky. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, jerk baits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, docks, points and riprap. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on cut bait, goldfish, live bait, live shad, shad and shrimp along channels, main lake, river channel and river mouth. Crappie good on hair jigs, minnows, PowerBait, small lures and spoons around brush structure, creek channels and docks.

 Hugo: March 18. Elevation above normal, water 52 and murky. White bass excellent on jigs, small lures and spinnerbaits below the dam, along channels, creek channels and river channel. Crappie good on jigs and minnows below the dam, around brush structure, channels, creek channels, main lake, river channel, shorelines and standing timber. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, dough bait, live bait, punch bait, shad, stinkbait and sunfish below the dam, along channels, creek channels, main lake, river channel and shorelines.

 Konawa: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 44 and clear. Largemouth bass good on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, jerk baits and lipless baits in the main lake, around points and river channel. Striped bass hybrids and white bass slow on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, live shad and spoons in coves, discharge and river channel. Channel catfish slow on chicken liver and cut bait along the inlet, riprap and weed beds.

 Lower Mountain Fork: March 18. Elevation normal, water 48 and clear. Rainbow trout good on PowerBait and tube jigs below the dam, along creek channels and spillway.

 McGee Creek: March 18. Elevation below normal, water 56 and stained. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, flukes and spinnerbaits around brush structure, creek channels, points and rocks. White bass fair on grubs, jigs and lipless baits along creek channels and creek mouths. Crappie slow on minnows along creek channels and standing timber.

 Robert S. Kerr: March 18. Elevation normal, water murky. Crappie fair on hair jigs, jigs and minnows around brush structure, coves, points, rocks and weed beds. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, minnows, plastic baits and small lures along channels, coves, points, rocks, standing timber and weed beds. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, hot dogs, minnows, shad, sunfish and worms in coves, main lake, river channel and river mouth.

 Sardis: March 18. Elevation normal, water 53 and murky. Largemouth bass fair on bill baits, crankbaits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits along channels, coves, main lake, points and riprap. Blue and channel catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, shad and stinkbait along channels, creek channels and main lake. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, channels, creek channels, river channel and standing timber.

 Texoma: March 18. Elevation below normal, water 54. Fishing this week has been a lot better than last week. Striped bass fair on live shad, sassy shad, shad and slabs along channels, main lake, points and river channel. With the warmer water temps dead-sticking has pretty much stopped. Live shad is the way to go to catch them. Blue catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, dough bait, hot dogs, live bait, punch bait, stinkbait and sunfish below the dam, along channels, creek channels, docks, points and river channel. Blue cats are being caught on rod-and-reel near river channels on cut shad and live sunfish. Crappie fair on jigs and PowerBait around brush structure, coves, docks, points and standing timber. Crappie are being caught in and near docks with brush piles on jigs with PowerBait. They are also being caught in coves that have brush piles.

 Wister: March 18. Elevation above normal, water cloudy. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on bill baits, crankbaits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits around brush structure, channels and points. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on chicken liver, crawfish, stinkbait, sunfish and worms below the dam, around brush structure, channels, main lake, points and standing timber. Crappie good on jigs and minnows below the dam, around brush structure, channels, points, shorelines and standing timber.


 Altus-Lugert: March 20. Elevation below normal, water 51 and clear. Walleye, white bass and crappie slow on crankbaits and jigs along the dam and rocks. Channel catfish slow on jigs and minnows around rocks.

 Ellsworth: March 20. Elevation below normal, water murky. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, docks and rocks. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait, punch bait and shad in the main lake and around points.

 Ft. Cobb: March 20. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Blue catfish fair on shad around points and shorelines.

 Lawtonka: March 20. Elevation below normal, water clear. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, docks and at the dam.  

Tom Steed: March 21. Elevation below normal, water 50. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait, shad and worms around points and shorelines. White bass fair on jigs and minnows around points and rocks.

Waurika: March 21. Elevation below normal, water 50 and murky. White bass and striped bass hybrids fair on sassy shad, spinnerbaits and spoons along channels and creek channels. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and shad along shallows and shorelines.