Volunteers sought to help with remodeling efforts at Childress T-Ball field

Childress Little League is in the process of remodeling the T-Ball field to make it bigger, better, and safer for the kids.

They are needing help from the community to ensure that this gets done before the season kicks off next year because they will be doing all the work themselves to save on costs. Volunteers are needed to help tear down and put up of the new fence, pour concrete for new dugouts, blading the field for leveling purposes before they can bring in quality dirt, etc.

They have gotten most of the fence material ordered so that this project can get underway soon. They are still needing some 2-3/8 drill pipe to construct a backstop. They need approximately 12 poles (21’ length) if anyone would like to donate or sell to them cheap.

If you can help in any way, please contact any current board member.