Altus Air Force Base will be hosting their 2022 air show on Saturday, Oct. 1. The Red River Thunder Air Show and Open House is completely free and open to the public. Come out and see how the Mighty 97th trains the most inspired, proficient, and adaptive mobility Airmen to deliver airpower for America.
The U.S. Air Force F-16 Viper demonstration team is one of many acts scheduled to perform. A complete list of performers and displays are listed below.
Families can witness ground displays of aircraft parked on the flight line. Walk through and learn about the different types of current and heritage military planes.
Mobility’s Hometown’s community partners have come together to put on a variety of displays related to the Altus community, the military and initiatives related to the advancement of education, including Science, Technology, Engineering and Math exhibits.
Looking to take a flight in a piece of history? Book a ride on the B-17 Texas Raiders or an AT6 Texan/SNJ on Sunday, Oct. 2 at the Quartz Mountain Regional Airport in Altus. In cities across the U.S., vintage military aircraft rest quietly in museums, where school children and tourists admire them, take their pictures and leave them behind closed doors at the end of each day. On Oct. 1 and 2, aviation history blasts out of the museums and into the skies as the Commemorative Air Force thunders into Altus. Click on the Link below to reserve your seat:…/465-altus-ok-red-river…

Free shuttle service for Air Show
Free shuttle services are being provided from the airport to Altus Air Force Base throughout the day for the Red River Thunder Air Show on Altus Air Force Base this Saturday, Oct. 1. For questions about the shuttle, contact the terminal at 580-482-8833. In conjunction with the Air Show on Altus Air Force Base, there will be activities being held at the Quartz Mountain Regional Airport including rides on a B-17 Texas Raiders or an AT6 Texan/SNJ.
NOTE: On Saturday for the Air Show, the Main Gate will only be for visitors for the Air Show. If you need to access the base for anything else, like the Commissary or Base housing, you will have to have your DOD ID card and go to the North Gate, which is the Jasmine Gate. This the the one that is normally closed. If you attempt to use the Main Gate you will be directed to the Air Show instead of where you want to go.