ALTUS, OK – The Altus City Council will meet in regular session Tuesday, March 7 at 6 PM in Council Chambers at City Hall. Agenda items include the Acknowledge Funds received from OMAG for a Good Loss Experience for the FY 2020-2021 property claims. If at the end of an 18 month period where the City of Altus/Altus Municipal Authority has no losses, they will receive 10% of the premium back. Since the City has had NO Losses during this period, they have received the full 10%, or$11,689.10.
Rodger Kerr will then present the Economic Development Corporation Quarterly Report.
Council will then possibly declare 9 Police Department Units (Ford Crown Victorias) as salvage and/or surplus and authorize the City Manager to dispose of by any legal means.
Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Western Oklahoma State College for the Care and Maintenance of the Shooting Range will then be considered by Council.
Other agenda items include possibly taking action to approve an Engagement Letter with the Consulting Firm of RSMeachum CPAs & Advisors of Clinton, in an Amount Not to Exceed $28,000 to Consult for the FY-2022 – 2023 Financial Statements. They will also possibly take action to Approve an Engagement Letter with the Audit Firm of Foresight Advisory & Consulting of Oklahoma City, in an Amount Not to Exceed $34,500 to Audit the FY 2022-2023 Financial Statements and Perform a Single Audit for Federal Funds Expended.
Approval of a Change Order/Amendment No. 2 will be considered to Accell Construction, Inc of Claremore for Altus City Reservoir Grading that will add an additional Amount of $558,052.78 to the Contract, $55,770 in a Change Order and $502,282.78 in Amendments.
An executive session will be held before adjourning the regular council meeting and beginning the Altus Municipal Authority meeting.
In the AMA meeting, a final claims list is set to be approved, and approval of a Lease and Contract for Services Between the Altus Municipal Authority and the Altus Youth Soccer Club will be considered.
A Contract to Scott Wampler Construction & Services, LLC of Canyon, TX to Construct Water Line Looping Projects is set to be awarded for a Bid Price of $629,494 before closing comments.