Public Notice
The Hardeman County Commissioners Court will meet in regular session on August 9, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners Courtroom, County Courthouse, 300 Main Street, Quanah, Texas. The following items will be considered. These subjects may or may not be discussed in the order shown.
- Call to Order
- Public Comment
- Information from District/County Clerk – Ellen London
- Consider Sheriff’s Department report for July 2021
- Consider Justice of the Peace report for July 2021
- Consider Tax assessor/Collector report for July 2021
- Consider Treasurers report for July 2021
- Consider Budget Amendments
- Consider submission of No New Revenue and Voter Approval Tax rates by Tax Assessor/Collector-Jan Evans
- Consider Proposed tax rate for 2021-2022
- Consider proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
- Consider planning calendar for Budget and Tax Rate hearings
- Consider minutes of last meeting
- Consider Order of Special Election
- Consider release of Tax Deeds
- Pay Bills
- Adjourn
Pursuant to the authority granted under Government Code, Chapter 551, the Commissioner’s Court may convene a closed session to discuss any of the above agenda items. Immediately before any closed session, the specific section or sections of Government Code, Chapter 551 that provides statutory authority will be announced.