Quanah Indians boys varsity basketball team to play Seymour at home of Dallas Mavericks; tickets on sale

The Quanah Indians boys varsity basketball team has an amazing opportunity this year. On January 7 at 1 PM they will play Seymour at the American Airlines Stadium (home of the Dallas Mavericks). They will be selling tickets to the public for $60 each. The ticket will get you into the Quanah/Seymour game, but also the Mavericks/Pelicans game that night! Tickets are now available, but limited. You can pay for the tickets through Venmo, cash, or checks. You can give cash or checks to Coach Cathey. Make checks payable to: Q Sports ClubVenmo: @qsportsclub Text Coach Cathey (806)-654-0020 with your name and how many tickets you want and how you will pay.