![May be an image of 8 people, people playing voleyball, indoor and text that says 'Congratulations to our All District Lady Indians of 2022 PUH اON MINDSET'](https://scontent-hou1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/317595164_585636603563329_4246773695505342170_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s2048x2048&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=Hf726w8_nzMAX8WYHJk&tn=ceGRewl6VLa59sr_&_nc_ht=scontent-hou1-1.xx&oh=00_AfDG7KDADBEY3Em9sCNH6VhfnsTzyXmofZbXQwGpX9MB9w&oe=638DB924)
District 7 Awards are in for the 2022 Volleyball Season:
District MVP–Rylee Wolf #11, JR, Windthorst
Blocker of the Year–Tara Tackett #33, SR, Windthorst
Hitter of the Year–Annikah Frank #12, JR, Windthorst
Server of the Year–Addi Elledge #2, SR, Petrolia
Co-Defensive Player of the Year– Allie Walther #1, SR, Quanah Bree Kirk #1, SR, Windthorst
Setter of the Year–Jill Liles #22, SR, Archer City
Newcomer of the Year–Autumn Woods #23, FR, Quanah
Coach of the Year–Allison Bussey-Windthorst
First Team All District:
Keaira Fillingim #32, SR, Windthorst
Megg Lindley #5, SO, Windthorst
Maddy Sidlauskas #12, SR, Quanah
Kadence Huffman #3, SR, Archer City
Jaylee Bowers #9, JR, Olney
Tatem Cox #3, SR, Petrolia
Debonne Haynes #20, SR, Quanah
Second Team All District:
Abby Schroeder #24, JR, Windthorst
Violet West #14, FR, Windthorst
Caydee Terrell #6, SR, Quanah
Montana Woods #21, JR, Quanah
Abby Guerra #4, SR, Olney
Abby Havens #5, JR, Archer City
Audrey Avens #5, SR, Petrolia
Honorable Mentions:
Saige Anderson #3, JR, Windthorst
Ella Riley #2, SR, Quanah
Harper O’Neal #5, SR, Quanah
Camryn Swenson, #6 SR. Petrolia
Zoie Bowers, #7 JR. Petrolia
Hailey Reynolds, #8 JR. Petrolia
Brynlee Skelton-#6 JR Archer City