ALTUS, OK – The Altus Police Department is proud to announce that Officers from their department have once again been selected as winners of the VFW’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for the State of Oklahoma. Each year, all local VFW posts throughout the entire state receive and submit nominations for various public safety awards.
The following Officers of the Altus Police Department were chosen by the VFW’s state headquarters to receive the following awards to represent the great State of Oklahoma:
Officer Michael Laughlin~ 2nd Place Winner for the State of Oklahoma’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Officer Tyler Jinks~ 3rd Place Winner for the State of Oklahoma’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
This is the third year in a row that Officers and/or Detectives from the Altus Police Department have been selected as winners to represent the State of Oklahoma as VFW’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. In 2021, Detective Devin Dickerson and Detective Jonathan Almanza not only placed 1st Place as VFW’s Law Enforcement Officers of the Year, but they went on to compete against the winners of each state at nationals, and they both won the title as 2021 VFW’s National Officers of the Year.
The Altus Fire Department was also well represented this year. Altus Fire Marshal, Drew George, took home the award of VFW’s Firefighter of the Year.